Thursday, March 31, 2016

Carole Doré Success Stories Revisited

Well as you know I road test every technique that I write about here.
And you may also know that a while back I used The Emergency Handbook for Getting Money Fast with little or no results.
So I wrote it off.

But I also will go back and try these things again to see if maybe a different mindset, time etc, will improve results.
So I decided to give Carole another shot.

Well I did the money sniffing, the "I am one with a tremendous amount of money RIGHT NOW!" and focused on the Heart Chakra.
And some stuff happened.

I got paid by an online source that I really didn't think would pay me.
Another of my online ventures brought in 7X it's usual amount the day after that.
The next day another paid me out of the blue.

Then I went out and passed a Scratch Off Ticket machine.

I thought, "What the heck?" and bought a ticket.

The ticket had 4 spaces and I won 2 of the 4 spaces.

Okay, in total it was a little less than $200.00.
But that was in less than a week and it was happening one right after the other.

Now...will this work on a constant basis?
Well I am gonna try it and see.

And of course I will report back what happens.

Here is the first part of an interview posted on YouTube with Carole.

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